About Me

Friday, October 7, 2016

trip to thailand

         One of my favorite trips to Thailand was my fifth time going there. It took about twenty-four hours to get there. I went with my mom and my brother to go visit my grandma and my aunt. Our first flight was to Tokyo, Japan. That trip took about fifteen hours and we had to wait three hours to board our connecting flight. My family and I decided to look around the airport. There was a bunch of Asian candies, toys, and beauty products. After three long hours of waiting we finally got to board our plane.
If you ever been on a plane that didn't have those little screen things that let you play games and watch movies that really must've sucked. I played about 3 different movies, skipping to the end for some of them, until I fell asleep. Six hours later we landed. Since it was really cold on the plane I wore sweatpants and a hoodie, but since I didn't plan ahead, I didn't have any t-shirt to change into once we got off the plane. It was super hot once I got off the plane. We landed about midnight and we greeted my grandma, my aunt, and their driver, Pinoy. Thankfully, there was air conditioning on the way back to my grandma's condo. Jet lag wasn't a thing that bothered me. My mom and my brother were really tired but they stayed awake for the best part of landing. Noodle Soup. My grandma lives on a street that has a noodle cart at the edge of the street.
We stayed there for three weeks and we did a lot of things:
Phuket, Thailand
 Bangkok, Thailand

Krabi, Thailand
Elephant Riding

1 comment:

  1. I've always wanted to travel to Thailand.
