About Me

Sunday, November 20, 2016

grateful heart

It's November. The holidays are coming up and the temperatures are going down. I'm on my couch, Christmas music playing, thinking of things I'm thankful for.

my mom ♥ she's the strongest person I know and she always knows how to put a smile on my face.
my friends ♥ they can always make me laugh.
my brother ♥ he's my annoying forever friend
food ♥ it's really good !!
a home ♥ a warm and happy place to go to after a long day.
colors ♥ imagine if we only could see in black and white!
music ♥ music can either hype me up or calm me down, I always have to have music on.
Netflix ♥ for helping me relax
books ♥ for giving me imagination

     Sometimes I take some of these things for granted and I really shouldn't. I'm thankful for a lot of other items too, not just these. But you shouldn't take things for granted because other people might not have what you have. Be thankful. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

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